Are your symptoms caused by disease, or are they your body way of adapting to a suboptimal environment?
Feeling worse after starting a natural treatment protocol? It can happen, and sometimes it’s part of the process. It’s called a healing crisis, or Herxheimer reaction, and there are things you can do to help make it a little easier
What is Fertility Awareness and why should I care? 3 ways the Fertility Awareness Method changed my life (and how it can change yours, too).
Natural contraception does exist — it’s called Fertility Awareness, and it might just change your life. Hormone naturopath & menstrual cycle enthusiast Karinda shares how learning a Fertility Awareness Method changed her birth control experience, her periods & her connection with her womb
What is a healing crisis? (and what you can do about it)
Feeling worse after starting a natural treatment protocol? It can happen, and sometimes it’s part of the process. It’s called a healing crisis, or Herxheimer reaction, and there are things you can do to help make it a little easier
Acne? Here’s why you should see a hormone naturopath
Acne, pimples, lumps n’ bumps! Naturopaths are the GOAT when it comes to helping with skin health, no matter what the root cause is: hormones, gut health, allergies, liver health.
How a naturopath can help with period pain
Did you know that over 90% of women under 25 in Australia alone experience period pain or heavy bleeding?
Have you ever had your period pain normalised by your GP or gyno, something along the lines of, “period pain will always be there, there’s not much we can do for it, unless you want to go on the pill?”
PCOS: A naturopathic approach
Did you know there are natural treatments for PCOS that are as effective as medications, without the side effects? There’s so much that can be done to get to the root of your PCOS, naturally.